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A medical condition where a tendon has been injured, usually while playing sports due to overuse or exertion. A tendon is the hard connective tissue that joins muscle to bone.

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Q: What does pulled tendon mean?
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The biceps tendon is torn all the way through, and the biceps has pulled the broken end away from the shoulder.

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you probably mean the biceps deep tendon reflex you probably mean the biceps deep tendon reflex

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What is the medical term meaning tendon pain?

Tenodynia or tenalgia mean tendon pain in medical terms.

Is the tendon bone supposed to move around?

By tendon bone, do you mean patella at the knee. If so, yes there is some movement.

Why the foot cannot be pulled down if the Achilles tendon is totally torn?

When the Achilles tendon is totally torn, the connection between the calf muscles and the heel bone is lost. This connection is necessary for the foot to be able to be pulled down, as it is responsible for plantarflexion (pointing the foot downward). Without an intact Achilles tendon, the calf muscles lose their ability to pull on the heel bone, resulting in the inability to move the foot downward.

Why don't birds fall over when they fall asleep?

They have three toes forward and one back, which allows them to grip well. That tendon even has projections that mesh with groves in the tendon sheath to keep it in place, When birds perch, there is a tendon in their legs that gets pulled further, locking their toes tightly to the branch. Birds' "knees" bend backwards, so when they perch this tendon is pulled to its furthest extent over the back of the knee. This is not changed until the bird consciously "lifts his knees up" and releases the tension on this tendon. The bird can sleep on the tree because his weight pushes down on his knees and keeps that tendon tight. Convenient, otherwise a sleeping bird would make an easy meal for predators.i got this from the person who wrote it was kaylofgorons

What does heterogeneity to the echotexture of the supraspinatus tendon mean?

Heterogeneity in the echotexture of the supraspinatus tendon refers to a variation in the appearance of the tendon under ultrasound imaging. It may suggest changes in the tendon structure, such as degeneration, inflammation, or injury. Further evaluation is often needed to determine the underlying cause of this heterogeneity.

How did Achilles kill?

If you mean how was he killed he was shot with an arrow in the Achilles tendon.

What does it mean if it feels like strings are snapping in your triceps tendon?
