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low neutrophils

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Q: What does low Segs mean in a blood test?
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What does low segs means?

Low segs means that a person has a low number of "segmented neutrophils." These are the most abundant white blood cells that attack infection and inflammation.

What does it mean if you have low globulin in a blood test?

low immunity

What causes high wbc high segs and segs abs but low lymph count in a blood count panel?

lower-right abdominal pain, at least that gave me those same results...

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Anion Gap

What is segs relative?

Segs relative refers to the percentage of segmented neutrophils in the total white blood cell count. It is used to evaluate and monitor infections, inflammatory conditions, and bone marrow disorders. A high segs relative can indicate an acute bacterial infection, while a low segs relative can be a sign of viral infection, autoimmune disease, or overwhelming bacterial infection.

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igh granpercent blood count mean

What does a low positive pregnancy blood test mean?

u need to see a doctor

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my absolute ly was low 0.8 what does this mean?

What does a 18.8 RDW Blood Test mean -?

low hb.especially iron deficiency anaemia

What does a 18.8 RDW Blood Test mean?

low hb.especially iron deficiency anaemia

What does low MON mean on blood test?

A low mean platelet volume (MPV) on a blood test can indicate conditions like thrombocytopenia, leukemia, or certain vitamin deficiencies. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and interpretation of test results.

What does a low TBILI blood test mean?

A low total bilirubin (TBILI) blood test may suggest reduced liver function, blood disorders, or malnutrition. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and interpretation of the results.