Physical health is the state of the body and the organs functioning condition.Social care is the relation of an illness in purview of the society and health care I think.
well, PIES stand for: P - physical I - intellectual E - emotional S - social that's it. that's what the word PIES stand for - in health and social care. oh and also the answer is correct because i have checked it with my teacher! bye!
compare the characteristics associated with active support and the hotel model in relation to an individual support
Health Care Reform is a social tax, will it work?
Explain the different models of partnership in health and social care?
These companies providing health care and social assistance for individuals
health care
I think that there is a relation between the two. because ,imagine your self in a health care which the service on it poor what is your feeling about your health? and imagine the opposite!
Ethical principal of health social care is that is the right thing for us to do. We need to help everyone.
lessons learned from inquiries into serious failures of health and social care practice
Empowerment is about respecting service users individual rights and allowing them as much control over their own lives as possible
how are communication skills used in a health and social care setting?.