In general, sticking out one's tongue is a signal of disrespect, but when done by a girl between the ages of twelve and fifteen years, it might be a signal of mild interest in a boy: a way of attracting his attention and starting a conversation.
Alot of girls just do it to look cool...or hot.........or be funny.
for the fans
if he sticks his tongue in ur mouth then wrap ur tongue around his
They cannot stick their tongue because their tongue sticks to the bottom of their mouth ;)
It finds an ant hill and sticks its tongue out . The ants get stuck on the tongue and the armadillo eats it.
it means that he wants to put his peines in your mouth
wooden sticks
It sticks the tongue of a person to the roof of their mouth.
Stick yours out back.
Sticking one's tongue in someone else's mouth during a kiss is a form of expressing passion, intimacy, and desire in the context of a romantic relationship.