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Is it possible you mean "to intubate"? To intubate means to insert a tube into a hollow organ or body passage way, frequently used to refer to a breathing tube to keep an airway open and deliver external oxygen.

Usually, the only patients who receive incubation are newborns who need medical and nursing support after delivery. These babies are often born prematurely, have under-developed lungs, cannot regulate their body temperature on their own because they are premature, and need hi-tech nursing interventions. An incubator provides and regulates oxygen and temperature to allow a preemie infant to stabilize while medical interventions (such as drugs to mature the lungs and giving fluids) help the infant's body time to strengthen and be capable of life outside an incubator.

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13y ago

Having a child "incubated" refers to placing a newborn in an "incubator," also called an "Isolette," to aid in breathing and medical care.

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