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I am a male, but I KNOW that if you have 3 periods a month, with actual bleeding, you need to see a doctor immediatelly. if you cannot afford one, the local ER will see you now.

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Q: What does it mean if you have 3 periods a month?
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What does it mean when you have 2 periods in one month and not a period the following month?

You probally just have eregular periods its ok.

If you had two periods the month before and the next month your stomach gets hard and you have synthems of pregnancy what does that mean?

a hard stomach and twin periods in one month mean you have twins on board.

Is it normal to have 3 periods a month?

No not at all. You are only supposed to have 1 a month

Reasons for 3 periods on one month?


You got your period on the 7th then on the 22nd again what does this mean?

If you got your period on the 7th of the month and then again on the 22nd of the same month, it might mean that you are having irregular periods. Irregular periods are not all that uncommon but if this pattern lasts for 3 consecutive months, it might be worth visiting your doctor for a checkup.

You have had three periods in one month what does that mean?

your all screwed up

Didn't get on her period for a month does that mean she was on the pill?

No.there are many reasons for missing the periods. No.

Can women get their periods twice in a month?

A woman can get her period twice a month if she has irregular periods.

Is it ok if your periods does not stop?

Yes, but htey should start again in a month, 2 or 3

Is it bad to have your period 2 or 3 times a month?

you might think of consulting a doctor, because it is normal to have periods only once a month

What does it mean to have a period twice in a month?

Some medicine can cause the time between periods to increase or decrease. Also having two menstruations in a calendar month is usual; time of periods aren't based on calendar time.

Why should you have two periods in a month?

It isn't that abnormal to have two periods in a month. However, sometimes it can occur, if you have a short cycle and your period starts at the beginning of the month. This would make it possible to have two periods in one month.