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British military slang for a females vagina

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A deep cut. As in I fell on the jagged rocks and gashed open my knee.

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Q: What does gashes mean?
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What is the plural of gash?

He had several gashes on his face after the boxing match.

UndefinedDo pitbulls puppies leave gashes or puncture wounds?

Do pitbull puppies leave gashes or puncture wounds

What are the release dates for For Glory and Gashes - 2006?

For Glory and Gashes - 2006 was released on: USA: 5 May 2006 (video premiere) USA: 16 September 2006 (Route 66 Film Festival)

How do historians reconstruct past?

By looking at evidence they can judg on what happened e.g. when a historian finds loads of buried skeletons and many of them have gashes on the bones the historian can say that it might have been a war and because it was gashes, therefore swords it was somewhere aroung 18th century (probably not)

What is scars?

sort of a dumb question to ask, because scars are gashes in your skin that are either permenant or go away in like years.

Do dogs need to go to the vet if it gashes its leg?

Certainly, the dog may get an infection which may lead to serious issues including death.

What curse did harry put on Draco in the sixth book?

the curse is sectumsempra which makes gashes in the chest and blood spurt out. (but in saying that, harry did not know what the spell did...)

What concrete detail is most relevant to Frederick Douglass's autobiography?

My feet have been so cracked with the frost, that the pen with which i am writing might be laid in the gashes

What actors and actresses appeared in For Glory and Gashes - 2006?

The cast of Hole in the Wall - 2006 includes: Samuel Johnson Harrison Reynolds

What is the strangest person you have seen on Halloween?

the strangest person ive ever seen on Halloween would probably be this dude with deep blood gashes and was dressed as a cookie

How do you use gash in a sentence?

Some kinds of mining leave deep gashes in the surface of the earth.The collision with the iceberg left a big gash in the hull of the titanic.

Why does super glue adhesion bond to skin?

because it was made for gashes it was quicker to glue the wound shut then stitch it. it was co incidence that the gluse stuck to everything else.