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"Blood ++", "2+ blood," and "blood 2+" are different ways of indicating that there was a moderate amount of hidden blood in a urine dipstick.

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Q: What does blood plus plus mean in medical terminology?
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In medical abbreviations, the plus sign ("+") is sometimes used to mean "and."

What does 2 mean in medical terminology?

The number 2 has the same meaning in common language and medical terminology. It is the sum of one plus one.

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It means the same thing as in if I say your weight is 150 +/- 3 lbs, it means you weight between 147 and 153. It may also mean "with or without"

What does the medical abbreviation Na plus mean?

Na+ is the medical and chemical symbol for the sodium ion.

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It means positive or affirmative in medical abbreviations.

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A manual check of the algorithm to ensure its correctness.

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Is a plus an o blood type compatible?

If you mean can they produce children, yes.

When was Medical Plus created?

Medical Plus was created in 1996.

Why a plus can not donate blood to o plus?

It depends what blood type of blood you have if you are not an o plus you can't do it

How common is a plus blood?

a plus blood is common... but not as common as o type blood. a plus blood is mostly common in danish.