because your oxygenated blood is what gives you colour and if you are being strangled or choking it cuts off the oxygen supply and you go the colour of your de-oxygenated blood.
choking cat
it meaens you are over choking it.
This is problebly one of the most STUPIDEST questions i have answerd but it means that someone is choking or cant breath. i would suggest the himleck menover. The Other answer: If Dude has his hands over his throat, that's the choking sign. He'll probably be gagging and turning blue. The choking sign doesn't mean anything except that Dude is choking (analyze the name!). Choking means something is stuck in Dude's throat and he can't breathe
Not exactly, no.
Choking affects the lungs by choking
Peniaphobia - fear of poverty
either got trampled on, or died from choking on his blood or coughing it up, something like that.
Someone choking you, YES.
Call 911! It doesn't matter what the baby is choking on, just that it's choking.
The precaution for choking for adults is the same as it is for children. To prevent choking thoroughly chew food.