The word asbestos is derived from ancient Greek, where "a-" means "not" and "sbestos" means "extinguishable." Asbestos was named based on its fireproof and heat-resistant properties.
Asbestos does not burn. So, essentailly,Frank is saying that when dancing close to someone, he cannot be like asbestos and not burn i.e. that his passions are likely to be raised.
lung disease that occurs from breathing in asbestos fibers
An asbestos square is a square of a material that contains asbestos in it.
The difference between the two is that an asbestos gasket uses asbestos as a reinforcing fiber while a non-asbestos gasket does not.
The symbol for asbestos is "As" on the periodic table.
if you mean the one for mining they can be found where mining is done like quebec
l'amiante is asbestos in French. l'amant is the lover. l'aimant is the magnet.
Buildings were often built with materials that contained asbestos. Asbestos abatement is the removal of the asbestos, or other treatment such as encapsulation, that will prevent asbestos fibers from being released into the air.
For asbestos inspection, visit the Asbestos Inspection Services website. For asbestos removal, Asbestos Removal, Inc. or Alpha Environ are better choices.
There is no such thing as an asbestos leak, unless you have a container of asbestos and the container is leaking.
Asbestos is generally manufactured by processing mined asbestos fibers.