An "a" with a line over it is the phonetic symbol for the sound of a long "a", as in play.
In a prescription it means "before". Your Doctor might write a Rx like.....ibuprofen 100mg PO QD BID a.c. This means to take ibuprofen 100mg by mouth everyday twice daily before meals, and this is just a silly example, so don't take it seriously.
The prescription could have the "a.c." or just the "a" with a line over it, but that's pretty much what it stands for.
Certain languages may put accent marks over an "a", as part of how they spell their words.
C with a line over it means with, and s with a line over it means without.
it means "without" from the Latin sans
S with a line over it means without, and a with a line over it means before.
Average speed Yes, but it is also a symbolic designation for "without" as in "sans". Converse to that is "with" and designated by a c with a line over it.
"s" with a line over it.That would be the letter s (lower case) with a horizontal line over the top.
it mean everies
P with a line over it means after in medical terms."post"
It means venous
You can use w/o. In medical shorthand without is a s with a line over it and with is a c with a line over it
With, without, before, and after are each symbolized with a single letter with a horizontal line written over it:With: cwithout: sbefore: aafter: p