99490 is the highest CPT code. 99999 does not exist. It is not a valid CPT. Sorry.
As of Jan 2012, code 73542 is an invalid CPT code.
AS far as I could tell from the CPT code book that is not a valid code
magnesium level
What is proc code 58970
CPT Code 99223- Initial hospital care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient.
one of two types of cpt codes. stand alone codes give a full description
80156 is a procedure code for a Tegretol level. Typical diagnosis codes are in the 296.xx series indicating bipolar disorder, but any condition requiring Tegretol, such as tic doloureaux, may also be used.
sacrum and coccyx
Periodic comprehensive preventive medicine
A Stand alone code is a CPT code that full description of the situation that you are coding. Ex. 26010 Drainage of finger abscess