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Munchhausen Syndrome

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Q: What do you call a person who makes up stories that are not factual or never happened?
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What can you and your friend talk about?

Talk about your favorite things to do. You can talk about what makes them happy or makes them upset. After that you can talk about things from you past or funny stories that happened that day.

A person that makes up stories?

You could call such a person a liar; you might also say that such a person is given to hyperbole.

How do you Write factual description on an interesting person you have met?

When writing a factual description of an interesting person you have met, focus on specific details such as their appearance, personality traits, accomplishments, and behaviors. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the reader and highlight what makes this person unique and compelling. Make sure to include relevant background information that provides context and helps the reader understand why this individual stands out to you.

What makes the story of Johnny Appleseed different from other stories?

That just depends on how you think of it. It could be different for every person. That is why being an individual person, who is one of a kind, is great!

What makes stories entertaining?


give me a example of a factual story and what makes it a factual story if you answer this i give you money :)?

Once upon there was a dog it fell down everyone laughed it got up and ran away

What makes stories myths?

Myths are stories which are probably not entirely true or factual, either because they are based on events that occurred outside written history, or because they were from unsupported or contradictory accounts. Ancient myths were often connected to the explanation of natural phenomena as the work of divine beings or supernatural influences. As the physical world was better understood, the epic tales became folklore, but many may be based on actual persons or occurrences.

What makes Obama an interesting person?

Obama rose from a junior Senator to President in a very short time. To me, that makes him interesting. Also he has traveled all over and met a lot of important and interesting people. He must have some interesting stories to tell.

In a story with 4 main characters what is the best point of view to use?

You use whichever will tell the story best - you're the author! Most stories are told in third person but you can certainly use first person if it makes the story better.

What do you call a person who makes things out iron?

A person who makes of

What is a person who MAKES wall?

A person who makes a wall is a builder.

What makes the stories of one culture different from the stories from another culture?

Because in other places people think other way