If the male's body is larger than the female's body, yes.
Male, Female and both Male and Female.
A female frog has a bigger body.
Chromosomes effect the body by telling it if you will be male of female. XX is the chromosome for a female and XY is for male.
Female body
Female body
It is more common in female but they both can have it
The male and female body systems differ in a few key ways. While there are some similarities there are also some distinct differences in the way the two genders bodies are built and function. Following are some of the main differences between male and female body systems: The male body typically has more muscle mass than the female body. The male hormone levels are higher than the female hormone levels. The male body typically has a higher percentage of body fat than the female body. The female body has a larger percentage of water than the male body. The male body has a higher bone density than the female body. The male body typically has a higher metabolic rate than the female body.These differences between male and female body systems are due to the differences in hormones and the way the body responds to those hormones. The male and female bodies are designed to function in different ways so it is important to be aware of these differences and take them into consideration when developing a health plan.
a female is bigger
A male present in the body of a female is known as microchimerism. This occurs when a small number of cells or DNA from a male fetus or male donor persist in a female's body. This phenomenon can happen during pregnancy, organ transplantation, or blood transfusions.
the male has triangular body
From the same place it exits the female body: the urethra. The male and female bodies are actually very similar in this regard; most female and male reproductive organs have a counterpart in the other sex. The main difference is that female organs are mostly inside the body, while male organs are mostly outside the body.