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Q: What do the initials FUBU stands for?
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What do initials fubu stand for?

For Us By Us

What does the acronym FUBU stands for?

For Us, By Us (us being the community of Americans of African descent)

When was FUBU created?

FUBU was created in 1992.

Who is John daymond of fubu?

He is the creator of FUBU.

What do the initials wrt stand for?

There are some different ideas on the initials WRT stands for. However, most of people agree with the idea that the meaning of the initials WRT stands for With Regard To.

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Business to Business

Who is the CEO of Fubu?

The CEO of FUBU is Daymond John.

What do the initials CAHPS stand for?

Abbreviation, not initials. And it stands for Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems.

Fubu net worth?

Fubu's current net worth is approximately 250 million dollars. Fubu was founded, maintained, and managed by entrepreneur Damon John.

Do you have fubu shirts?


What does the country initials EC stand for?

EC stands for Ecuador