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that she is a barbaric foreigner who is a sorceress and daughter of Apollo

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Q: What character traits of the princess in Medea?
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What Happend to Medea after she killed the princess that was married to Jason?

After Medea killed the princess that was married to Jason, she was married with Jason. One day, Medea and Jason were at the beach and a ship timber fell on Medea's head. Then Medea died.

What does the name Medea mean?

The name Medea came from the mythology princess Medea and her husband Jason

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What is the princess' name in Jason and the Golden Fleece?

The princess was called Medea.

What are some character traits for Princess Diana?

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Who did Jason marry after Medea?

Jason marries the princess of Corinth.

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Why was medea famous for?

Medea was famous because her love for Jason caused her to commit treacherous deeds. For Jason, Medea betrayed her own people, then turned on Jason himself when he declared that he was leaving Medea to marry the princess.

Why was Medea so grieved?

Medea was very upset, because she had fallen in love with the hero, Jason, and said that she would help him as long as he married her. He agreed. Then, in Corinth, Jason abandoned Medea and instead was going to marry the princess of that land. Angered, Medea gave the princess a poisoned cloak. Medea also killed the two children that she had with Jason, although the reasons why vary between sources.

Does Antigone or Medea come out on top at the end of 'Antigone'?

Medea is not a character in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Princess Medea does not overlap with Theban Princess Antigone. She nevertheless does visit Thebes as the invited guest of Hercules, Creon's father-in-law and the husband of Antigone's first cousin Megara. But she ends up being hated and chased out of Thebes whereas Antigone earns the admiration of all Thebes for all time.

What are the character traits of princess pea in the tale of despereaux?

Princess Pea is portrayed as kind, compassionate, and resilient in "The Tale of Despereaux." Despite facing challenges and hardships, she remains gentle and caring towards others, including Despereaux. Her empathy and strength of character make her a key figure in the story.

Who did Jason in Greek mythology marry?

Jason married Medea in Greek mythology. However, while married to her, he engaged himself to another princess. Medea killed her, and rode away on a chariot pulled by dragons.