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Q: What are synonyms for medicinal cream?
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What is the synonym for medicinal cream?

A medical cream is called an ointment.

What is the adjective for medicine?

Synonyms for disease include illness, malady, sickness.

What is the medicinal use for a compound that contains hydrocortisone menthol and camphor cream base?

I was prescribed this cream to treat eczema

What are synonyms of ice cream?

There are not many synonyms for "ice cream." Some similar, but not identical, frozen treats are: sorbet, sherbet, and frozen yogurt. Some people may call ice cream therapy, or a heavenly desert.

Is ice cream good for a stuffy nose?

Ice cream has no medicinal value at all. It is not "good" for anything other than a good taste in your mouth.

Can you put the word banish in a sentence?

The king will banish the spy instead of executing him. Banish your spots with this medicinal cream!

What are words that are synonyms for squashed?

some synonyms are: crush, squeeze, flatten, compress, press, smash, distort, pound, trample, stamp on; pulp, mash, cream, liquidize, beat,pulverize; informal squish, squoosh.

What is the medicinal plant for sprain?

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is a medicinal plant commonly used for treating sprains. Comfrey has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and swelling associated with sprains. It can be used as a poultice or in a cream form for topical application to the affected area.

Role of food and its medicinal value nutrition?

The role of food has many uses for medicinal values and nutritional uses. Hot red pepper, for example, can be used both medicinally and nutritionally. Medically it can be used topically as a cream for pain relief. Nutritionally, if eaten it is a digestive aid for weight loss.

Why it is problematic for a cream to get spread on the outside of a jar?

Medicinal and cosmetic creams are often intended for specific uses and specific parts of the body. Unless protective gloves are worn, handling the jar with cream outside will result in the cream on the hands where it may not be desired. A cream can make the outside of the jar slippery, more difficult to handle, and increase the risk of the jar slipping, falling and breaking, resulting in the cream spreading to places where it was not intended to be.

Malunggay ice cream recipe?

Foods made from malunggay include certain breads, vegetarian noodles, cookies and tea. Malunggay is a herb providing nutrients and medicinal benefits to increase energy and relaxation.

Which is the best book for medicinal chemistry?

Medicinal Chemistry by Ashutosh KAr Medicinal Chemistry by Patricks