There are some synonyms for the word "tenderly". They include softly, delicately, gently, gingerly, lightly, affectionately, dearly, lovingly, fondly, devotedly, yearningly.
lovingly, tenderly, affectionately, amorously, dearly
A synonym for gently would be tenderly.
A synonym for gently would be tenderly.
Yes, tenderly is an adverb.Some example sentences using this word are:He touched her tenderly.The couple tenderly embraced.
Begin and origin are some synonyms for the word start.
Some synonyms of the word 'ratification' are declaration, confirmation, and statement. These are just a few of the better examples of synonyms for this word.
He held her hand tenderly as they walked through the park at sunset.
Some synonyms for the word strong are powerful, robust, sturdy, and resilient.
There are many different synonyms for the word ravishing. Some synonyms for the word ravishing are, adorable, alluring, appealing, charming, dazzling, and tantalizing.
There are a number of synonyms for the word 'detect'. Some of the most common synonyms for the word are catch, ascertain, expose, find, uncover and identify.
Some synonyms of the word "choking" are asphyxiating, barring, checking, clogging, and closing. Other synonyms of the word "choking" are obstructing and gagging.