Some words that rhyme with "Lukey" are spooky, flukey, and rookie.
eerie, intimidating, alarming, hairy, spooky
deep dark midnight spooky gnarled creepy eerie owls screeched
There are several Halloween words that start with the letter S. They are spooky, scary, strange, supernatural, sweets, superstition, and startling.
spooky scarycreepydarkness
scary and spooky
Try to find some research on the Mad Butcher from Southern West Virginia. SPOOKY COCK
Ichabod Crane
Scary, Creepy, Mysterious, haunted, horrendous, electrifying.
Some Halloween words that start with 'S' are: Spooky, scared, scary, scream, spider, screech, sneaky, safety, shadows, skeleton, skull, spell, spirit, scarecrow,
Spooky halloween decorations would include things such as ghosts and ghouls. Try party city or your local party store to find spooky halloween decorations.