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Your brain.

-Correction, brain is incorrect. The Urinary Bladder is divided in half by the median (sagittal) plane.

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Q: The Median Plane divides what organ in half?
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What divides a set of data in half?


What is the name of the plane that divides the mouth into a right and left half?

The sagittal plane divides the mouth into a right and left half.

What ratio does a median divide two equilateral triangle?

A median divides any triangle in half.

What is the line that divides the coordinate plane into two half-planes?

boundary line

Does a baseball have a plane of symmetry?

Yes, a baseball does have a plane of symmetry. When sliced in half along its equator, both halves are mirror images of each other.

The Value which has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called?

The value you are referring to is the median. It represents the middle value in a dataset when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order. It divides the dataset into two equal parts, with half of the observations falling above it and half falling below it.

What is the line that divides a figure into two matching parts?

It is a line of symmetry.

What divides the lower half of the data into two equal parts?

Oh, dude, that's easy. So, like, the thing that divides the lower half of the data into two equal parts is the median. It's like the middle child of the data set, stuck between the rowdy younger half and the more mature upper half. Just think of it as the peacekeeper of the data family, keeping things balanced and fair.

Where is the right temporal lobe?

The right temporal lobe is on the right half of the brain near the Sagittal plane that divides left and right cerebral hemispheres.

What does the median of a set of data tell you?

The median is the midpoint of the data set. So half the observations are greater than the median and half are smaller.

What is a median age?

The median age is the age that divides a population into two equal halves, with half the population being younger and half being older than that age. It is considered a better measure of the central tendency of a population's age distribution compared to the mean because it is not influenced by extreme values.

What does the median tell you about the data?

The median, by definition, tells you the "half way point" of your data. Exactly half of the observations in the dataset will be less than the median and half will be greater than the median.