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to stain it.

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Q: Purpose of turk's solution in wbc counting?
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What does acetic acid and gentian violet Turks solution do to WBC?

Acetic acid in Turks solution lyses red blood cells and stains nuclei purple, allowing for visualization. Gentian violet stains chromatin in WBC nuclei, aiding in the differentiation and enumeration of white blood cells in a sample.

Why WBC not getting stained with Turks fluid?

jentin violet in turks fluid stains nuclei of the cells

How do you count the RBC and WBC counting?

counting of Rbc and Wbc is done throug hemocytometer .duilting fluid are needed to destory unwanted things which can confuse us in various ways .

What is the contents and function of Turk's solution that used in blood cell counting?

Turk's solution is a diluting fluid used in the manual counting of blood cells. It contains acetic acid which lyses red blood cells, making white blood cells more visible. The solution also contains gentian violet, which helps in the differentiation of white blood cells.

What is the Difference between rbc thoma pipette and wbc thoma pipette?

RBC Thoma pipette is used for counting red blood cells in a blood sample, while WBC Thoma pipette is used for counting white blood cells. They both have different grid patterns that allow for accurate counting of the respective cell types.

The main function of leishman stain?

first coming to the composition of lieshmans stain isLEISHMANS POWDER[eosinate of methylene blue] DISSOLVED IN ACETONE FREE METHYL ALCOHOL.the main function of this lieshmans stain is it is used to stainblood smear,containing various blood cells such as RBC,WBC, mainly stains WBC present in this blood.helps in counting various types of WBC such asagranulocytes,and granulocytes.AGRANULOCYTES;monocytes,lymphocytes.GRANULOCYTES;acidophils,basophils,neutrophils.that is it mainly help in counting differential count.DIFFERENTIAL COUNT;nothing but the counting various types of leucocytes.also helps in knowing the normal count of each leucocyte.ACIDOPHILS;1-4%BASOPHILS;0-1%NEUTROPHILS;40-60%MONOCYTES;6-8%LYMPHOCYTES;20-40%thus the main use of leishmans stain is to stain blood smear which helps in counting differential count.

what does wbc of 20.3 indicate?

is wbc of 20.3 high

What happens when wbc increases?

wht happens if WBC increases?

Most numerous wbc's ina normal wbc differential?

neutrophis :)

What is the WBC boxing title abbreviated for?

wbc is the 'world boxing council' :)

What is the ratio of WBC to RBC?

1 to 2 WBC TO 1000 RBC

How many belts does sugar ray Leonard have?

wbc welterweight title wba jr middleweight title wbc middleweight title wbc super middleweight title wbc light heavyweight title.