Gender is determined at the time of conception. The fertilizing sperm carries either an X (female) or Y (male) chromosome. There is no gender-switching.
You usually start having pelvic examinations at 36 weeks (the start of the nineth month of preganncy.) They will continue at each weekly visit until the birth of the baby. You usually start having pelvic examinations at 36 weeks (the start of the nineth month of preganncy.) They will continue at each weekly visit until the birth of the baby.
16 weeks it is possible to detect gender. Most OB's won't order an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks.
Kittens' gender can typically be determined at around 8 weeks of age.
That depends on which test is done. A chorionic villus sample test can determine gender around 9 weeks, an amnioccentesis can also determine gender and is done between 16-20 weeks and by ultrasound which is least reliable because its done visually usually around 18 weeks.
You can determine a cat's gender at around 6-8 weeks of age.
At about 12 weeks, the gender can be pronounced
16-20 weeks
The gender of a kitten can typically be determined at around 6-8 weeks of age.
You can determine a kitten's gender typically around 6-8 weeks of age by looking at their genitalia.
You should wait 5 weeks then separate them by gender and start selling them.
i would ask a doctor :)
At 2 weeks old, you can determine the gender of a kitten by looking at the distance between the anus and the genital opening. In male kittens, this distance is greater than in female kittens.