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Gender is determined at the time of conception. The fertilizing sperm carries either an X (female) or Y (male) chromosome. There is no gender-switching.

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Q: Is that possiblity of changing gender after 23 weeks of preganncy?
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At how many weeks does the doctor check for dilation?

You usually start having pelvic examinations at 36 weeks (the start of the nineth month of preganncy.) They will continue at each weekly visit until the birth of the baby. You usually start having pelvic examinations at 36 weeks (the start of the nineth month of preganncy.) They will continue at each weekly visit until the birth of the baby.

When is the absolute earliest you can find out the gender of the baby?

16 weeks it is possible to detect gender. Most OB's won't order an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks.

How many weeks until you know the unborn baby's gender?

That depends on which test is done. A chorionic villus sample test can determine gender around 9 weeks, an amnioccentesis can also determine gender and is done between 16-20 weeks and by ultrasound which is least reliable because its done visually usually around 18 weeks.

When can the baby sex be determined?

At about 12 weeks, the gender can be pronounced

When can you know the gender of your unborn baby?

16-20 weeks

Can you sell baby hamsters when there 3 weeks old?

You should wait 5 weeks then separate them by gender and start selling them.

Can an ultrasound at 17 weeks determine the gender of the baby?

i would ask a doctor :)

At fifteen weeks can you tell what you having?

It just depends. some women at 15 weeks finds out the gender some just don't at all until your like 18+ weeks...

What gender can you get 2 days after ovulation?

You cannot get pregnant two days after ovulation. During ovulation however, gender is 50/50. You will be able to see which gender your child is after being pregnant for 7 weeks.

How do you know if your baby hamsters are ready to be separated from there parents?

Seperate them by gender when the babies are three weeks. (Do not touch them before three weeks, or else the parents will eat them!)

What trimester is a gender of a fetus determined?

When the sperm meets the egg. The sprem contains the gender in the form of an x or y chromosome

Can you determine the sex of a baby when you are 4 weeks pregnant?

The earliest time that the physician could tell the gender of the baby is at least 12 weeks. At 12 weeks the genital tubercule must have started developing already.