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Immune is an adjective, i.e. your immune system. However, it can be used as a noun in the specific case of talking about a person who is not susceptible to a particular disease.

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Q: Is immune a verb noun or adverb?
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Is immunity an adverb?

No, "immunity" is a noun referring to the ability to resist a particular infection or toxin by the body's immune system. An adverb is a word that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb, such as "quickly," "happily," or "very."

Is disappeared an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. Disappearing is a verb form, and a gerund (noun).

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it is an adverb!:)

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The word plunge can be a noun or a verb. It is not an adjective or adverb.

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"Patiently" is an adverb, not a noun or a verb. It describes how an action is performed.

Is suspect an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. Suspecting is a verb form and gerund (noun) for the verb "to suspect." There is an adverb form "unsuspectingly" (but not suspectingly) and the adverb "suspiciously."

Is show verb adverb or adjective?

Verb, noun, and adjective, but not adverb.

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"Can" can be a verb and a noun. It is not an adverb.

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Can need be an adverb?

No, "need" is typically a verb or a noun, not an adverb.

Does an adjective describe a verb and an adverb describes a noun?

No. An adjective describes a noun and an adverb describes a verb.

What kind of noun is not drawing?

The word 'drawing' is a gerund (a verbal noun), the present participle of the verb to draw.The word 'not' is an adverb to modify the verb drawing. An adverb is not used with a noun, an adverb is used with a verb or an adjective.The term 'not drawing' is a adverb-verb combination. To use an adverb for a noun, it can modify the adjective describing the noun, for example: not his drawing.