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Q: Is beautiful a verb or an adjective?
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Beautiful verb or not?

Beautiful is an adjective

What are the parts of speech for this sentence The house was beautiful?

"The" is an article (adjective) "house" is a noun "was" is a linking verb (verb) "beautiful" is an adjective

What are the verb noun adjective adverb forms of beautiful?

verb-beatify noun-beauty adjective-beautiful adverb-beautifully

Is beautiful a verb or a noun?

No, the word 'beautiful' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun.Examples:a beautiful babya beautiful daya beautiful performanceThe word 'beautiful' is the adjective form of the noun beauty.The noun form of the adjective 'beautiful' is beautifulness.The verb form of the noun beauty is to beautify.

What is verb form for beautiful?

"Beautiful" as an adjective is a quality. One does not "beautiful." To make something beautiful is to beautify, which is a verb. To "be beautiful" is just that- a verb phrase but "be" is still your verb.

Is beautiful is a verb?

No, the word 'beautiful' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.Example: A beautiful bird sat on a branch. (the adjective 'beautiful' describes the noun 'bird'; the verb is 'sat' a word for an action)

What are the two tests to make sure it is an adjective?

Yes. A predicate adjective is one that follows a linking verb, but it's an adjective nonetheless.She wore a beautiful dress. The adjective beautiful describes the dress.That dress is beautiful. Beautiful is the adjective following the linking verb is. It is still describing the dress.

Is beautiful an adjective or adverb?

No, beautiful is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; for example beautiful roses, a beautiful sunset, etc.The noun form for the adjective beautiful is beautifulness. Another noun form is beauty.

Is I'm beautiful a noun?

No, in the sentence, "I'm beautiful." there are no nouns.The parts of speech are of the sentence are:I'm, a contraction for "I am", the subject pronoun and the verb of the sentence.beautiful, an adjective, functioning as a subject complement (predicate adjective) following the linking verb "am" (I = beautiful).

How do you say beautiful as a verb?

Beautiful cannot be said as a verb, because it is an adjective, or describing word. You can make beautiful, but you cannot beautiful someone or something.

Which is verb from the following words quickly beautiful cat imagine you?

From the words quickly beautiful cat imagine you, the only one that is a verb is imagine. quickly - adverb beautiful - adjective cat - noun imagine - verb you - pronoun

Is love a verb or adjective?

The word love is a verb and a noun. Example:Love is beautiful. (noun)I love you. (verb)Love is never an adjective, unless you say something is lovely.