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go to the hospital

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Q: If you cut your finger what should you cover the cut with?
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What plaster do you use to cover a cut finger if your a chef?

blue, i think :)

What should you do first if you cut your finger?

you go to the hospital

What does one do when they have a finger injury?

"That depends on the type and severity of the finger injury: if your finger is cut, clean the wound and apply a bandage. If the finger is burned, run it under cold water and cover it with a bandage. For a severe injury, call 911 immediately."

Does the finger print change after a cut on the finger?

Yes, a cut on the finger can temporarily alter the fingerprint pattern as the skin heals. Once the wound is fully healed, the original fingerprint pattern should return.

What steps should you follow if you cut your finger while chopping food?

Immediately wash, medicate, and bandage the finger with a brightly covered plaster. Cover it with a plastic glove or other waterproof glove. Clean the knife, cutting board, and counter where you were cut. Throw away any food that was on the bloody surface or that you were touching when you were cut. Then you can resume cooking. Be careful.

If your finger gets cut off do you put it in cold milk?

No! If you cut your finger off, whether it be your whole finger or just the tip, you should not place it in milk or any liquid as it will shrink. Instead, place the finger in an airtight bag and in turn, place the bag on ice. Do not put the finger directly on the ice. Take the finger to the ER with you

You cut your finger off in your sisters front door will her insurance cover it?

It depends on the kind of homeowner's insurance she has. If she has liability/medical pay to others with her insurance, then yes, it will cover your medical expenses.

Why should you cover open skin?

if you mean a cut, you need to cover a cut because numerous bacteria can get into the bloodstream and cause all sorts of illnesses.

Should you finger your bum or will it hurt?

you should try it, it is both pleasurable for men and women just cut your nails first

How does bacteria enter a cut finger?

you might get bacteria with the object you used to cut your finger. the object may be dirty which has full of bacteria and then enters your cut. or when you have cut your finger you may have touched something dirty with lots of bacteria.

How do you cut your finger off?

well the first thing that u want to do is make sure your finger is not breathing or talking. Get a plastic fork place it on your finger and there you go, cut the finger off. But only cut it off when there is no life in your finger.

Which finger did Wormtail cut off to fake his death?

His index finger