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Anyone experienced the same? Is it normal? I'm confused at this moment

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Q: I am having period like bleeding in my 5 week of pregnancy I went to the ER and then to the gynac They did my blood work and said that the hormone level seems inline.however they can't say if I miscry?
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Are you having a miscarriage if there's no bleeding?

If your not bleeding then your pregnant if you start bleeding in your pregnancy it's a miscarriage

Your pregnancy test came back posative but you are bleeding and it is a brown color what does this mean?

go see a dr. to see if your really pregnant and having complications, or if you have a serious hormone imbalance

Can a person have regular bleeding and are having signs of pregnancy can that be pregnancy?

Regular bleeding in general means you are not pregnant - if you feel you are having signs of pregnancy, take a test - that way you'll know for sure.

Is having your period while pregnant a myth?

Not exactly. Some women have bleeding in the first month of two of pregnancy, but it is not technically a period. Also, if you have heavy bleeding during pregnancy, you might actually be having a miscarriage.

If you are having extreme bleeding could you be having a tubal pregnancy?

There are lots of reasons that you could be bleeding, but if the bleeding is excessive, please, please see a doctor. The doctor will be able to help you if it is an emergency.

You are having periods but the bleeding is less home pregnancy test is positive is it possible?

Yes, if a pregnancy test detects enough of the HCG hormone(which is the pregnancy hormone) then it registers as a positive test. This hormone is ONLY present in the placenta of an embryo/fetus and is released when the fertalized egg implants in your uterus. Some woman experience a period through out their entire pregnancy. Unfortunately it is also possible that you had a miscarriage and the hormone is still present in your body, which would also make the test register positive. However, it can also be implantation bleeding (when the embryo implants into the uterine wall) and that is mistaken as a period often. You should definitely contact your doctor, because whether you have miscarried or are pregnant you need a doctor to look at you. There are free clinics if you do not have a family doctor also and everything is kept confidential.

Why am i having occasionally bleeding..stomach pain..back pain.. and all the symptoms of pregnancy when i have an IUD in and all the pregnancy test are negative?

Bleeding, stomach pain, and back pain are not pregnancy symptoms. Your pregnancy test is negative and you are using effective birth control. Please see your health care provider to find out why you're having pain.

Positive pregnancy test earlier today but now having cramps and a bit of bleeding?

It is common to have light bleeding and cramps in the early stages of pregnancy. The blood is usually a dark almost brown. But not always.

Will a pregnancy test show that a person with an under active thyroid having a thyroid which produces low amounts of hormone is pregnant?

Yes, the hormone that a pregnancy test requires to be deemed positive, hCG is produced by the placenta and not the thyroid.

You started your period five days early could you be pregnant?

If you are having a period, you are not pregnant. However many women confuse their periods with vaginal bleeding and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy particularly in early pregnancy.

What is wrong if you were bleeding two days off a week and then on again for two more days a 10 days after having sex?

could be a pregnancy bleeding sign

What does 229 Hcg level mean?

Hcg is the level of a pregnancy hormone that increases throughout the pregnancy. An Hcg level of 229 means that a woman is in the very early stages of pregnancy, or is having a miscarriage.