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Your question is ambiguous as this link shows:

A person who is 4'10" & 100 lbs has a BMI of 21 as well as a person who is 7' & 210 lbs.

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16y ago
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14y ago

There is no exact number. The amount of calories needed daily vaires based on a number of facts, like gender, age, activity level, what type of foods are being eaten, metabolism, body type, weight, and many other factors. The most rough estimate based on the average is about 1,500 to 1,800 calories or so for that age and gender.

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12y ago

It really depends on your weight and activity level. To just lay there in bed its usually 10 calories per pound. So if you were 180 pounds you would need around 1800 calories just to lay in bed.

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14y ago

It all depends on your BMI (body mass index). It all depends on your height, weight, and activity/work out routine. You can go to to find your BMI and from there further research the proper calorie intake. But, you should also consult your doctor before embarking on any sort of diet or exercise program.

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13y ago

Everybody has different calorie needs, it depends on your sex, height, age and weight. To find out how many calories you need to maintain or lose or gain weight, you should find out what your BMR is and then select how active you are.

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15y ago

you need to exercise daily atleast for 45 minutes

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