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la couleur de mes yeux est ...

Note that French speakers would rather say: mes yeux sont bleus / verts / marrons... (my eeys are blue / green / brown / ...)

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Q: How do you spell the words the colour of my eyes are in french?
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mes yeux sont

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elle a des yeux ... (Onyx is a French word as well, but as the stone has no set colour, this is not used to describe eyes in French)

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les yeux verts

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(des) yeux bleu

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How do you spell eyes in french?

Les y-e-u-x.

How do you say eyes in french words in?

English to french an eye = un oeil eyes = des yeux

What are some french words that begin with the letter y?

Some French words that begin with the letter "y" are "yaourt" (yogurt), "yoga" (yoga), and "yeux" (eyes).

It is unusual to be of Irish-French descent and have eyes of a mixed hazel-brown colour?

No. You may have a great great great etc grandparent who had hazel brown eyes.

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tu as les yeux de quelle couleur means 'what colour are your eyes?' in French.