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One cannot calculate the BMI with weight alone as the height is also needed. To calculate the BMI that way you take your weight in kilograms and divide it by the square of your height in meters.

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Q: How do you calculate your bmi using your weight as input?
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If you are a 14-year-old male that is and weighs 176 is he over weight?

you have asked about over weight. over weight has nothing to do with age and sex. It is calculate using the body mass index(BMI). BMI = weight in kilograms/(height in meters.)2 And there are certain standard values for bmi. If your bmi exceeds it you are said to be over weight.

Can I find an online resource that tells me how I can find out what a healthy body weight is?

There are various sites that will display to you the body mass index and how to calculate it. BMI is the most common calculation to calculate a healthy body weight. Here is a link to a site that lets you input all of your personal criteria to determine your BMI, and in return it will display your results. You can play with the numbers to see what is healthy, if your BMI is not.

What should a nineteen year old girl weigh?

That depends on her height. A BMI of 18-24 is normal and healthy. You can calculate BMI using the formula BMI=(weight in kilos)/(height in meters)2.

Calculate bmi for a broad shoulder man?

It's impossible to calculate BMI just by knowing whether someone is broad-shouldered or not. You need to know height and weight to calculate one's BMI

How do I calculate my BMI without going to the doctor?

Yes, an online healthy weight calculator can calculate your BMI. By inputting your gender, height, and weight, it will calculate the information for you, as well as tell you what range your BMI and weight should be within.

Is there a Fitness test to calculate your BMI?

Yes, there are several BMI tests online which can help to quickly calculate BMI and body fat percentage. To take these tests, all you need to enter is your weight and height.

How do you tell if you are overweight or not?

The best indicator to determining if your are overweight or not is to calculate your BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is a measure of your total body fat calculated using the height and weight for adult men and women. This is what the medical community and insurance companies use to determine levels of individuals weight. Once you calculate your BMI, the resulting number puts you in one of the following categories: BMI < 18.5 you are considered underweight BMI = 18.5 - 24.9 considered normal weight BMI = 25 -29.9 considered overweight BMI of 30 or greater, you are considered obese You can easily find a BMI calcuator through an internet search, and there is also one available here on under Diet and Weight Loss.

How much should a 4 foot 8 women weight?

Calculating BMI, as described in the previous topic, has become the most popular method of categorizing your weight, from Underweight to Morbidly Obese. To calculate a healthy weight, we simply reverse the process. Instead of using your height and weight to calculate your BMI weight category, we use your height alone to estimate a weight range for the Normal Weight BMI category. Weight for a Person 4 ft 6 in Tall: 42 kg (range 35 to 47 kg)

Is 192 pounds healthy for 35 year old?

It would actually depend upon the height combined with weight. If you were to calculate your BMI (body mass index), a healthy weight is between a BMI of about 18.5 - 24.9. There are BMI calculators found online or your doctor will be able to calculate this and let you know if you are a healthy weight.

What do you need to calculate an adult's body mass index (BMI)?

Height and weight.

Is 115 pounds a healthy weight?

If you are an adult and in between the height of 4.8 and 5.4 then you are.

Where can one calculate body fat?

You can calculate your own body fat by using an online BMI calculator. It stands for Body Mass Index and all you need to do is enter your age, height, and weight.