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eat healthy and exercise 2 times a week

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Q: How do you burn stored fat on your hips?
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What happens to calories that don't burn?

They are stored as fat in the body.

About the fat in your body?

fat is stored in your body when you consume more energy than you need. I don't do much exercise but eat lots of fatty foods so I have fat stored mainly around my belly, hips, thighs and butt. This fat keeps me warm and is a soft padding

How much fat in fat free foods?

No fat in fat free foods, but the sugar and carbs left over that you don't burn as energy is stored as body fat.

Why do your hips get bigger?

Hips may appear to get bigger due to changes in body composition, such as weight gain or muscle growth. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause can also affect fat distribution around the hips. Genetics can play a role in determining where fat is stored in the body.

What is the reason of fat?

Fats are natural oils in plants and animals. If you consume more fat or calories than you require then the excess energy is stored as fat in your body. Fat is mainly stored around your internal organs, belly, thighs, hips and butt. For example, I'm a boy and have a soft squishy belly and a big wobbly butt because I don't do much exercise or sport and eat lots of fattening foods like biscuits and cakes, so the fat is not used up because I'm not active. This means that the extra energy is stored as fat mainly on my stomach, hips and butt.

Does the pill Nissan get weed out of your system?

Yes. THC is stored in your fat cells not your blatter there fore the pills will burn away your fat cells

Why is belly fat so hard to lose?

Belly fat is actually not fat its your cholesterol. cholesterol is consentrated fat that already partly solid. When you execrise your muscles call for the body to send it fat, it takes from the easy fat first, like your arms legs etc, after approx 15 minutes of exercise it calls for the complex fats, stored in the belly, this fat is also harder to burn and requires alot of oxygen. If you are exercising and breathing hard, you are not getting the oxygen needed to burn the belly fat. exercise longer and at a rate slow enough not to force you to breathe hard. Also when you exercise fast and hard with alot of belly fat, when the belly fat is released it can flood the heart with fat cells, which can cause a heart attack. Call for the fat slowely, long walks, biking etc..... The complex fat in women is stored in the hips............

Where is the fat released from the body?

From all over and in proportion to how much is stored in each place. For most men, fat tends to be stored around the tummy - leading to "beer bellies". So the biggest proportions of fat will tend to come from the tummy. For most women, fat tends to be stored disproportionately around the hips, and thighs. So the biggest proportions of fat will tend to come from the hips and thighs. There is some evidence that suggests sometimes the body will leave the main fat stores til last, but it appears to be mainly in cases of sustained rapid weight loss. So if you want to avoid being thin but with a spare tyre around your tummy or hips, it's probably best to lose weight gradually and not too fast.

If you exercise on a no carb diet will you burn only fat?

Energy from food comes from three sources: Carbohydrates, Lipids (fat), and Protein. If you stop consuming carbohydrates your body will continue to burn both the fat and muscle you have stored and built (respectively) and the fat and protein in your system.

How do you get fat on your hips?

You can only get fat all over your body, but it goes more to your hips if you're a woman than if you were a man.

What are the top foods that become fat?

For the same number of calories, any food is essentially just as likely to become fat if not burned. If you consume more calories than you burn, the food will be stored as fat.

How could a thin girl had a big breast?

After an A-cup (which is muscle), breasts are almost all fat and fatty tissue. However, they are fairly genetic. Despite a person's weight, their fat can be stored many places around the body. For most women, this is in the breats, hips, and thighs, but not for all. It is simply that the breasts is where that particular girl stored most of her body's fat.