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Q: Does fiber and roughage mean the same thing?
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Related questions

Are prunes and canned baked beans considered as roughage food?

Yes. Roughage is the same thing as fiber. Both baked beans (or any kind of beans, really) and prunes (as well as most fruits and vegetables) contain fiber.

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Is meat a good source of roughage true of false?

False. Meat is not a good source of roughage.

What is the difference between fiber optics and optical fiber?

Fiber and fibre mean the same thing. The only difference is that fiber is derived from American English, and fibre is derived from European English.

Is fiber optics and optical fiber same?

Yes, they are the exact same thing

What foods are considered roughage in diet?

Whole grains (look for 100% whole grain), raw vegetables (celery, broccoli, etc.), salads. Cooked vegetables can lose some of their fiber content. Fruits can be a good source of fiber, but also contain a lot of sugar.

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Yes they mean the same thing.

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Yes they mean the same thing.

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Yes, they can mean the same thing.

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No, they are not the same thing. Mean and average are the same thing.

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Shabby and different do not mean the same thing.

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These two words can mean the same thing.