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No, you lose muscle mass by over exercising without eating enough or by not eating enough to keep up your muscularity. Doing push ups all day can mess some stuff up, though, as you are stressing them out excessively. Building muscle is literally tearing your muslces, which is geneally good, as your food repairs the tears, making them bigger, stronger, more toned, and more durable. It is much better to max your self out and push for another 5 to 10 reps once or maybe twice a day, and rest or exercise something else the next day, giving your pecs a rest so that you can continue the routine the next day, and increase it as much as you can handle in a week or so. Do your self a favor and take it a little more easy if you continually work your chest muscles over the entire day, as doing 5-15 fast ones is better than trying to do 50 full nose touchers 10 times a day. Trust me, I know, for I am currently doing 2 sets of 60 full ones, plus 150 full reps on each arm by itself with 15 pound bar bells, all within about 1-2 hours, drinking a glass or two between sets. Water is the best choice by the way for a thirst quencher to hydrate your body for exercise.

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Not if you eat enough - your muscle isn't just going to keep atrophying until you look like you're a victim of famine. However, high rep pushups is not going to build more muscle. Sets of five with a heavy weight in the squat, bench press, deadlift, press and power clean, coupled with about 7000 calories a day will do that.

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Can anyone recommend some good exercises for arms to help build muscle mass in women?

Arm exercises to build muscle mass are very simple and don't have to be done in a gym. A simple set of barbels can be used for doing curls and lifting. Pushups are also a good exercise for increasing muscle mass in your arms.

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Well, its hard to gain weight on your arms specifically, however, you can add mass to them by building the arm muscle (with pushups, etc.)

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When building muscle, you are just making the muscle fibers stronger and bigger, they arnt multiplying. The amount of muscle mass you have does not matter how difficult it is to burn fat. Fat is fat. Muscle is muscle. The more fat you have, the longer it will take to burn that off. Another thing, fat is generally burned off all around the body, not just in a concentrated area such as the stomach. If you are trying to burn off stomach fat, intense running will work better than doing situps. And if you are trying to get your abs stronger/harder, do situps using a weight to decroease the amount of time it will take

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so you can eat more with gaining weight and burn more calories

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Ballet because it has more movement. Gymnastic works on flexibility it works out your muscles but it cant change how much you weigh because if you gain muscle mass you still have fat over your muscles so you have the muscle but no one can see them

If you lift weights or dumbbells will it burn calories?

If you do it properly, it certainly will. Unlike cardio exercise that burns extra calories only during and immediately after exercise, if you do proper strength training you will increase your lean muscle mass, and doing that will cause you to burn more calories 24 hours a day.

How many push ups do you do to lose weight?

You have to burn about 3500 calories to burn 1 pound. Assuming that doing 15 pushups burns 1 calorie (I am making this number up - it might be more pushups or less pushups) It would take ~52,500 pushups! The problem with this - if you did that many pushups you would actually gain some lean muscle mass - means you may not even lose any weight! But don't worry, lean muscle mass is good!

Why would you have gained weight over a month of going to the gym?

It's likely because you're building muscle mass, which adds weight. This is not a bad thing. Muscle weighs more than fat, but you'll look better. Muscle mass also helps burn calories.

If you jog 8 miles a week how much muscle will you gain?

Jogging will tone your legs and other parts of your body and will help you burn fat, but is not a good exercisefor adding muscle mass.

When does your stomach burn fat and when does it burn muscle?

Your stomach doesn't burn fat. Your body does. If you mean when does your body burn fat, it's simple. When there is cortisol in your system from a stressful workout and your muscle mass is being used and maintained, you will burn fat. If cortisol is released but your muscles aren't being used much as in steady state cardio, muscle will be burned. Focus on short, intense workouts and use your muscles rather than steady, boring cardio. This will make you fat and weak.

How can exercise help with fat burning?

Exercise, plain and simple, burns calories and you need to burn more calories than you consumer to burn fat and lose weight. And, exercise builds muscle mass, which also helps you burn claories because muscle consumes twice as many calories to maintain itself as fat does.

What supplements can increase muscle mass?

Protein supplements such as "Muscle Milk" or protein powder in addition to doing weigh lifting (high weight with a low number of repetitions).