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Although many women are concerned about dark or black menstrual flow, it is not a sign of disease and has no clinical significance. See your health care provider for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of any symptoms, and get screened for STDs at the same time.

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Q: Does black period blood mean you have an STD?
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Why do girls get discharge?

most girls get it cause they are on they way to their period and it also can be if someone have already had their period it can be old blood and if it itches your vagina it can be an infection hoped i helped you if it is a brownish color it can mean you have std.

Does having fatigue mean you have a STD?

Having fatigue doesn't mean you have a STD.

If you have white mucus with light traces of brown blood in it only for 2 days but not yet your period?

You should go see a dr. You may be pregnant or have an std.

Does bleeding from the rectum mean you have sexual symptoms?

No, there is no reason to suspect an STD based on blood in the feces. Rather, than an STD one would suspect a bowel disorder or hemorrhoids. The color of the blood in your stool indicates from where in the bowl the problem is. Black tarry blood suggests digestion and therefore the blood is coming from very high up along the intestinal tract (ulcer). Bright red blood suggests a bleed close to the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissure or simply a scrape from a hard stool). If the bleeding continues to the next bowel movement, seek advice from a medical professional.

What does STD mean to everyone?

std means sexually transmitted disease.

Why do you have red discharge after fingering?

That is blood and you were cut probably by finger nails or it was too rough. There are several other option, bleeding during sexual activity can be a sign of and STD. If you are close to your period it may be menstrual blood and nothing to worry about.

What's wrong if your period is a week early and you urinate frequently and cramp when you do and a lot of blood clots have been coming out of you but you just had a normal STD and pap?

possible kidney or bladder infection?

How can people be infected with blood fluid?

Std, Aids , blood borne disease , infected cow.

Should your boyfriend drink your period blood?

Any fluid transmitted, even spit can be an issue. So yes, menstrual blood could be dangerous if swallowed if you have HPV or any STI/STD's. Would not recommend him doing such a thing unless you both are tested.

Bird that can motionless for long period catch its prey?

There are following names of birds that can stand motionless for a long period to catch its prey. Black Heron White Heron Mix color Heron etc...... Thank you Ayman Std - 3rd B Kuwait

What if you had unprotected sex and started your period right after is there a risk?

Still a risk of STD.

What does a std mean?

Sexual transmitted diseases