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Q: Diagnosis code for pericardial effusion
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Related questions

What is the medical term meaning abnormal collection of fluid in the pericardial sac?

Pericardial effusion.

What is located at the second rib and fifth intercostal space?

The second rib is located at the sternal angle, which marks the division between the manubrium and body of the sternum. The fifth intercostal space is where the apex of the heart is located, specifically the point of maximal impulse (PMI).

What drugs can cause pericardial effusion?

hydralazine, isoniazid, phenytoin

What is a trace of pericardial effusion mean?

A trace of pericardial effusion means there is a minimal amount of fluid around the heart within the pericardial sac. This finding is usually not concerning unless it progresses to a larger effusion, which can potentially affect heart function and require treatment. Regular monitoring may be recommended to ensure it does not worsen.

What does ICD9 code 719.07 mean?

ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for: Effusion of joint; ankle and foot

What is the difference between pericardial edema and pericardial effusion?

Pericardial edema is the swelling of the pericardial tissue due to excess fluid accumulation within the tissue itself. Pericardial effusion, on the other hand, is the collection of excess fluid within the pericardial sac surrounding the heart. Both conditions can lead to cardiac complications if left untreated.

What does water do to your heart?

Water around the heart is also called a pericardial effusion. The pericardium is a sac that surrounds the heart. If this sac fills with fluid, a pericardial effusion, then the ability of the heart to contract normally is compromised.

What is Pericardial effusion?

Percardial effusion is when there is fluid around the heart. This is not a common aliment. This can also lead to medical complications and should be addressed.

Pericardial effusion may develop into a serious compression of the heart called?

Cardiac tamponade

Will pericardial fluid run out?

If your serous visceral pericardium some how stops producing the lubricant then theorically yes it is possible. Though it is more probably that there will be an over production of pericardial fluid which is know as a pericardial effusion.

What are possible abnormal results of a pericardiocentesis?

A large volume of pericardial fluid (over 50 ml) indicates pericardial effusion. Fluid analysis can find the cause of pericarditis. The presence of blood indicates bleeding, cardiac rupture or cancer.

What is the cpt code for pericardial biopsy?

39010. In looking at code 32604, below that it states "for open pericardial biopsy, use 39010".