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No, only surgery can after week 9.

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Q: Can cytotec abort a 4 month fetus?
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Can jogging abort a 4 month old baby?

No. There are women who jog when pregnant. It is safe.

How long does one bleed when they abort a one month baby?

Normal bleeding is 1-4 weeks.

How large is a 16cm fibroid?

I've been told that it is about the size of a 4-month fetus.

How big is the calf fetus at 3 months?

At the 3 month stage, the fetus of a cow will weigh anywhere from 3 to 6 ounces. At this time is will be from 4 to 6 inches long.

Can abort ascorbic acid 4 months?

No vitamin C can never make you abort.

Is castor oil can abort a 4 month old fetus?

Castor oil can not be used for abortion. It can induce pregnancy when you have gone past week 40 but then always under control so the fetus does not defecate in the womb. If you try this you would get diarrhea and that's it. See a doctor abort a surgical abortion.

You are taking cytotec for miscarriage how long does it take to start working?

I started having red blood discharge at about 4 -5 hours after taking the cytotec...

Which month is safe to abort the child?

no month is safe to abort a baby because it could not only hurt the baby but it could severly hurt you too. the safest time to abort a baby is in the first 4 months but the baby already has a body and a brain and its heart should be beating already. I aborted a baby before when i was five months pregnant and i almost bleed to death, the doctors could not stop me from bleeding. but first four months. it will stick with you for the rest of your life. but u do have a choice

Does your body abort its self with out you knowing?

All the time. If your body detects a flaw in the growth of the fetus, it autoaborts it. Some say as many as 3 out of every 4 pregnancies autoabort. If this happens early enough (and it usually does), you are not likely to even notice it.

What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy?

The fetus begins to kick and swallow, although most women still can't feel the baby move at this point. Now 4 oz (112 g) in weight, the fetus can hear and urinate

Does a four month baby stamp its feet inside the mothers tummy?

You can start feel the fetus move at 4 months but I wouldn't call it stamping.

How do you abort 4 months pregnancy in natural way?

A 4 months it has to be by surgery by a doctor.