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Q: Antonym for myopic
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Is there a word that is the antonym of myopic?


Are you long sighted if you are myopic?

A myopic person is a near sighted person

How is the word myopic used in a sentence?

The old teacher's rude comments about children led me to believe he was myopic.

What is the antonym of myopic?

The opposite to myopic/myopia is HYPEROPIC/HYPEROPIA. Myopia is also known as short sightedness or near sightedness. Hyperopia is also known as long sightedness or far sightedness. A myopic eye focuses the image before it reaches the retina at the back of the eye. This is because the eye is too strong. A myopic eye will find it easier to focus on a close up object rather than a far away object. A myopic eye needs to be corrected with a minus/negative powered prescription lens (-). A hyperopic eye focuses the image after/behind the retina as a hyperopic eye is too weak. A hyperopic eye will have problems focusing on close up objects and in some cases it won't be able to focus at any distance. A hyperopic eye will be corrected with a plus/positive powered prescription lens (+).

My son is myopic. Does it mean all the kids born to be will be myopic?

I understand treatment with injection of one's own (adult) retinal stem cells is available in Germany. Patients have primarily had age related macular degeneration but a few have had myopic degeneration.

What does it mean to have a -2.25 glasses prescription?

you are myopic.

Use the word myopic in a sentence?

a condition of the eye in which parallel raysare focused in front of the retina, objects being seen distinctly only when near to the eye; nearsightedness

If you are myopic are you long -sighted or short -sighted?

If you are myopic, you are short-sighted. Myopia is a condition where near objects are seen clearly, but distant objects are blurry.

When is person said to be a myopic?

i think it's a fortuneteller

What is heuristic programming in operation research?

myopic heuristik ??

What are you if your myopic?

You are short sighted , unable to see distant objects

A six letter word starting with my and ends with ic?
