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indicates UTI

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Q: Your urinalysis results have positive in nitrite do you have infection or is it bad?
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What does a positive nitrite results mean?

A positive nitrite result in a urine test typically indicates the presence of bacteria that convert urinary nitrates into nitrites. This finding is commonly associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs), as certain bacteria like E. coli can produce nitrites. Additional testing and evaluation by a healthcare provider are usually recommended for further diagnosis and treatment.

Your urinalysis came back WBC Esterase 1 plus everything else was normal?

A positive WBC esterase on a urinalysis typically indicates the presence of white blood cells in the urine, which can be a sign of infection or inflammation in the urinary tract. It is important to discuss these results with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment if needed.

Can Warfarin or Coumadin cause a urinalysis to test positive for opiates?

No, warfarin is not an opiate and it is not one of the compounds that is known to cause false positive results in immunoassay type drug tests.

What is the urinalysis rate of person with UTI?

A urinalysis test is typically conducted to diagnose a UTI. The rate of positive urinalysis results for a person with a UTI depends on the specific criteria used for diagnosis, but it is generally high. Positive findings may include the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, and nitrites in the urine.

Can period blood cause high nitrite levels in urine?

No, the blood can't cause this. High levels of nitrite indicate the presence of bacteria (e.g. E. coli) which convert nitrates into nitrites. Therefore high nitrite levels may be a sign of an urinary tract infection (sometimes there are false postive results nevertheless).

What is Leukoesterase?

Leukoesterase = Leukocyte + Esterase. Leukoesterase is a combination word derived from the words Leukocyte and Esterase (LE), which is a urine test for the presence of white blood cells in the urine. "Leukocyte" meaning white blood cell and "Esterase" meaning white blood cell enzyme. Leukoesterase is released by white blood cells. A positive screen for leukoesterase usually indicates a urinary tract infection, in combination with a positive nitrite test - (see "Nitrite Test"). The LE test is also used to screen for gnorrhea and amniotic fluid. In a normal urinalysis Leukesterase is not present or "negative" when listed in lab results. *Please see Leukocyte Esterase Wiki for further discussion and more detailed explantion.

What causes wbc in urine?

WBC or white blood cells in urinalysis is indicative of an infection. It is quite possible that such results indicate a urinary tract infection and a course of antibiotics is usually required to treat the infection.

How did you test positive for alcohol on a urinalysis when you wasnt drinking?

There could be various reasons why someone might test positive for alcohol on a urinalysis without consuming any alcohol, such as certain foods or medications that can produce false positives. It's important to discuss the results with a healthcare provider to determine the cause of the positive test.

How long does it take to get your results back from a military urinalysis?

A friend of mine popped possitive for his last urinalysis. He was tested in april and was inform of the results in july. They have to ship it out, have it tested, report the results, get back to the commander and then go through lots of paper work.

How do you make sodium nitrite?

Sodium nitrite is typically produced by reacting sodium nitrate with nitrous acid under acidic conditions. This reaction results in the formation of sodium nitrite and water. Sodium nitrite is commonly used in meat curing and preservation processes.

Can a kidney infection cause a false positive result in a pregnancy test?

Some infections in the kidney can cause false positive dipstick test results but not false negative.

You have been having some off and on bladder discomfort and took a home uti test It said positive for leukocytes but not nitrites- does this mean you have the infection?

First - you need to visit your doctor!!! If the test is positive, which it is, you need treatment, which you can only get from your doctor! What do these results mean? It means there are White blood cells in your urine, enough to make the test positive which is abnormal. As far as a negative nitrite test... If this is positive, it means you have Gram negative bacteria in your urine and need to be treated with antibiotics. If this is negative it can mean a few things - but the 3 big meanings are: 1.) there wasn't enough time fro the bacteria to make nitrites from nitrates OR 2.) you have an infection caused by Gram-positive bacteria (which do not make this test positive) OR 3.) there may be no bacteria. Bottom line - you cannot diagnose yourself, so see a physician. A urinary tract infection can turn VERY serious in a hurry, so you'll need treatment if you have an infection!