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You don't necessarily need to be sick to get cold sweat. This is mainly associated with a person that is experiencing some sort of anxiety or fear. Some persons have seen this happen only at a particular time if day when face with a certain situation. Also, if you are taking any medication it is best you eat solid meal before taking them since this to can bring on a cold sweat in the form of an anxiety attach.Some other causes of cold sweat maybe migraine, hypertension, AIDS (Please check if needed), heart or immune disorders and so on. So if you continue to have the cold sweat and you are not showing any symptoms of any sickness it is best you go see a doctor. Just in case of anything.

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11y ago

There are a number of things which cause cold sweats, Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Cold sweats at night are sometimes a normal occurrence. But it can also be a sign of something more serious, cold sweats can be caused by various disorders, but it can also, be a reaction due to or appear with other symptoms: dizziness, vertigo, fainting, fear, pain, nausea, vomiting, paresthesia, severe diarrhea, severe stupor, coordination issues, sever constipation can cause cold sweats. These can correspond with other conditions, such as, high blood pressure and heart palpitations.

A number of diseases and disorders can cause cold sweats: Hormone imbalance, Coronary disorders (including Heart Attack), Hypoglycemia, Rickets, pink disease, Lyme disease, Digestive disorders, Influenza, Kidney failure, Fibromyalgia (in some cases), Crohn's disease, Autoimmune disorders, Inner Ear problems, Coordination disorders, Sweating sickness, Hodgkin's disease, Sickle cell anemia, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Alcohol poisoning, Drug withdrawal, Psychological conditions, Neurological conditions.

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14y ago

i dont have the flu i just keep been hot n cold all the time ---
Listen - something is wrong. Go see your doctor.

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