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I just had this happen. I am 4-5 weeks and had a vaginal ultrasound and nothing showed. The ultrasound specialist, radiologist, er dr and an obgyn all told me that's normal around this time. I went back for bloodwork the next day and my HCG levels doubled. Good Luck. =) They have my "official" ultrasound scheduled at about 10 weeks.

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Q: You are 5wks today you had an vaginal ultrasound but NO sac was seen your HCG level is 1305 and you are going to do another test tomorrow you are so worried Has anyone experienced this Please help?
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if it was Performed Properly .. with the needed precautions ... it DON'T

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In general, vaginal ultrasounds are said to be more accurate than abdominal ultrasounds. However, there are documented cases where they have been wrong, with tragic results. If a baby is no longer alive, there is a series of tests that can be done to determine this. Ultrasound is only one of them. Take care not to take hasty action. Usually the body will take care of things itself, but if you should become feverish you should seek help straight away. See the Web Link to the left for further information.