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Dont shave the next one, if you do and if you are comfortable w/ this tell your parents, say what you did and that you are sorry and you learned your lesson. If not confront your parents anyway, they are going to find out anyway, but try finding your eyerow color and pencil it in so its not THAT noticable and if people ask say long story. its okay just tell your self to breath and that its not the end of the world (LOL) don't worry its happened to me be4!!

Reply: from craigibob

i shaved off half of one eyebrow last night in the bath last night. im onl 13 years old,,, and sexy. i don't know what to do, how long does it take for them to grow back, from some one very fit


Dont shave the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This happened 2 me too, and in the summer just when i was gonna move schools :( i look back and laugh at how stupid i was, that is going to go on my top 5 list of Stupid mistakes. My parents realised staight away and laughed so much....i didnt see the funny side until now...anyway.....i wanted 2 get bangs (fringe) but my hair is soooo damn curly that they didnt stay. i tried eyebrow pencil, but that didnt work either. so in the end i ended up going to school with 1 eyebrow and a half. Its been 2 years and it still hasn't grown back properly, but now, i don't think anyone really notices it

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14y ago

Wait for it to grow back.

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Q: You accidentally shaved half your eyebrow off what do you do?
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Yes, they will grow back. (yes but that's not my question i was gonna say that does it grow the same way you idiot! and this is the person that put in the question and when do they grow back if you know so much?) I imagine that it won't grow back how they was.. If you wait until it grows back, then wax/pluck or shave it into place again. [careful not to shave half of your eyebrow again if you do shave. XD]

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