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cardiomegaly obliteration of cardiophrenic angle-- roth's sign
dilated veins

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Q: X ray findings of pulmonary edema?
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What cardiac disorders are diagnosed from a chest x ray?

While less sensitive than echocardiography , chest x ray can be used to check for disorders such as congestive heart failure or pulmonary edema.

What cardiac disorders can be tested for with a chest x ray?

While less sensitive than echocardiography, chest x ray can be used to check for disorders such as congestive heart failure or pulmonary edema.

How is osteochondrosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis can be confirmed by x-ray findings.

What is the term describing solid material within the air spaces of the lungs as noted on an x-ray?

pulmonary infiltrate

What is endplate edema?

Edema is swelling of an extremity or area of the body. A degenerative end plate may be an area that shows up on an x-ray showing breakdown of bone. A physician will need to evaluate and treat.

What pulmonary disorders are diagnosed from a chest x ray?

These many diseases are related to exposure to substances (such as asbestos fibers), may be detected as increased prominence of the interstitial pattern, often in the lower portions of the lungs.

How does diagnosis of pulmonary valve stenosis begin?

Diagnosis of pulmonary valve stenosis begins with the patient's medical history and a physical exam. Tests to confirm the diagnosis include chest x ray, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, and catherization

What if chest xray identifies widening of rib area could it be from bruising of surrounding tissue from injury?

The widening of the rib area on a chest x-ray can reveal the possibility of Emphysema or a pulmonary abscess. This would apply to both shifts and well as shadows on the x-ray.

What lung problems are checked with a chest x ray?

frequently ordered to diagnose or rule out pneumonia. Other pulmonary disorders such as emphysema or pneumothorax (presence of air or gas in the chest cavity outside the lungs) may be detected or evaluated through the use of chest x ray.

What is the normal finding of the Orbital x ray?

Normal findings will show the bones of the orbit intact, and will show similarity between the orbit that is being studied and the unaffected orbit

What is x-ray translate in Tagalog?

Tagalog translation of X-RAY: X-RAY

What is the correct an x-ray or a x-ray?

An x-ray because X is pronounced as eks , that is, it starts with a vowel.