You don't want to put Epsom Salt OR table salt on ANY piercing. They contain sugar and will cause infection. The ONLY thing to put on a fresh piercing is SEA SALT. Using 1/4tsp of sea salt with 8oz. of warm water, and soak the piercing for about 10 minutes twice a day. It is the best thing to help heal your piercing. When you are in the shower, use Dial soap to clean it also. But sea salt soaks are amazing for helping heal a piercing.
If you were to clean your piercing with salt by itself, it would certainly hurt! What people actually clean their piercing with is saline solution- a mix of sea salt and water. (A good ratio to use is 1 table spoon of salt per cup of water.) The saline solution itself should not hurt your piercing. However, sometime cleaning a piercing will irritate it. This may hurt, but the salt is not responsible.
Epsom salt in malayalam is indhuppu
Epsom salt is called "एप्सम सॉल्ट" (Epsom salt) in Hindi.
It's best to use a sterile needle to do the piercing in the first place, but to keep the piercing from getting infected, I would suggest using 'Satin Thereputic Skin Cleanser'. This is an anitmicrobial soap made specifically for cleaning piercings. You should also soak the piercing in hot water mixed with non-iodized sea salt (not epsom salt) several times per day for the initial healing time. That happened to me. It's best just to take it out let it heal then do it again with a sterile needle and sterile nose ring. Second Answer Salt and water. It will sting. It must be SEA SALT, not table salt. I cannot stress this enough. Good luck. :)
No, it is actually one of the recommended aftercare treatments.
It is not appropriate to use Hibiclens antiseptic to clean your nose piercing because it does not favor quick healing; instead, use sea salt soaks.
Epsom salt can delay labor.
Epsom salt is MgSO4.7H2O, a crystalline solid.
Epsom salt is used as laxative but it is not a condiment.
Epsom salt is called "एपसम सॉल्ट" (Epsom Salt) in Hindi language.
Alcohol should not be used on any piercing. Soaking your piercing in sea salt is best. you can also use non scented antibacterial soap to clean your piercing
The usual reason for salt in a pool is for chlorination. Epsom salt won't work with salt/chlorine generators. BUT, you can add epsom salt to your water.