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If the lump is in a delicate place, or there is a strong probability of cancer, the entire lump would be removed without a biopsy being collected first.

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Q: Why would they do a lumpectomy without a biopsy first?
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What actions are taken when a breast lumpectomy is performed?

The suffix -ectomy in lumpectomy means removal of. In this case a lump-ectomy would be the removal of a lump. The action performed in a breast lumpectomy would be the removal of a lump from a breast.

Who would perform a biopsy?

A surgeon or medical professional would preform a biopsy

Will you be sedated for a brain biopsy?

Yes you would be sedated for a brain biopsy

What causes pain a year after lumpectomy?

I would say yes, speaking from my own experience. I have been told due to the lumpectomy scartissue forms which can cause the pain. I find stretching exercise helps. But do check with your doctor if you are concernd .

What would a biopsy show?

It's show the nature of the cells caught in the biopsy, whether they've benign, malign or entirely natural.

Does health insurance cover implants after a lumpectomy?

Yes, it would cover reconstructive plastic surgery-just not "elective" plastic surgery.

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Will running after a prostate biopsy be harmful?

You will likely find that there is a fair amount of blood that needs to be voided immediatly after the biopsy. I would wait a day before running.

What is the recovery time after having a breast cyst removed?

The recovery time following a lumpectomy (I am assuming that you are speaking of a lumpectomy because that is the medical term for "breast cyst removal") can vary because the type of lumpectomy varies. For a simple lumpectomy, the procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, and you go home the same day, and recovery from the entire procedure in a few days. The surgical site will heal within a month, barring any complications such as infection of course. Some cysts are cancerous, and some are not. (benign=not cancerous, malignant=cancerous) The removal of a cancerous lump is more involved, and therefore the surgery is more involved, since the "margins" (edges surrounding the lump) have to be taken out, and with the benign lump, surgeons only need to remove the lump without worrying about margins. Other factors that would determine how long it takes to recovery would be a person's age, general state of health, and other medical issues.

What is the icd 9 code for needle biopsy of chest?

The ICD-9 procedure code for "chest wall biopsy" is 34.23. That is the closest to needle biopsy of chest that ICD-9 gets. Biopsies are first coded according to anatomical site and the method (needle, punch, aspirate, etc.) would be indicated by a further code from the CPT (Common Procedural Terminology) manual published by the AMA. In the case of needle biopsy of chest (34.23) there is one CPT code (they are 5 digit codes) for percutaneous needle for muscle (20206) that it "crosswalks" to. There are other codes that also "crosswalk" to that procedure code; such as deep or superficial muscle biopsy or biopsy of the neck or thorax. There are internal organs that can be needle biopsied from the chest but they would have to be known to answer the question. Your question would have to have more information to answer correctly or maybe this answers it. Tell me if it helps.

Where would you find a code for biopsy of lymph nodes and why?

pears, beacause they are awesome

Will a doctor do a d and c and cone biopsy if your pregnant?

No, you would not have a D&C while pregnant unless you wanted to end the pregnancy. Cone biopsy is done only after the pregnancy is over.