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Its full of calcium , keratin and other nutrients that are known to make hair grow.

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Q: Why would gnawing on a finger make your hair grow?
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Does your hair grow faster when your sick?

yes there are people who say no, but if you take bio, you would understand why it happens.

I have relaxed hair and it's nice but i would like it to be longer maybe shoulder length sometime around summer how can i get my hair to grow faster and longer?

Massage you scalp with your finger tips!

Does sleep makes your hair grow faster?

Sleep does not directly make your hair grow faster. Sleep allows you to rest and de-stress causing your hair to grow faster.

Why does hair not grow on your peter pointer finger?

Most of us have got hair even on this finger. It is very thin though, and if it seems not to be present then this is probably due to normal wear and tear due to external force.

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Who wrote simile poem burrs and thistles?

About the same rate your finger nails or hair grow. - Clairy Reiher

How long would it take you to grow your hair 1 inch?

It takes 3moths for and inch of your hair to grow

Would a hot hair dryer help grow your hair?

No, it wouldn't

How can you grow armpits hair?

why would u even want to grow armpit hair it is disgusting so dont do it

Would hair grow back if it burned off?

Hair grows back one way or another. Skin cells in the head will produce the material which sprouts out as hair. If the scalp was burnt and it was scarred your hair may not grow back though. The hair follicles would have been damaged. But if your hair just got burnt it will grow back.

How do you get your hair like Alice cullens?

If i were you i would go to the hair salon and have a stylist recommend something but my guess would be get your hair cut off and stick you finger in a light socket! lol!

Should. Straighten my hair or curl it?

You should get like a finger thick strand and then braid it then do that to the rest of your hair then undo it and then it would be like not curled but like like spinning around that looks really nice