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Typically you take a prophylactic (treatment before there's a problem) antibiotic before dental work if you have any sort of implant (such as a joint replacement, or even a surgical screw), a heart defect or murmur. These antibiotics are thought to prevent bacteria from the mouth, which may enter the blood stream during dental work, from reaching the site of the implant and creating a "slime layer" or infection, or from causing bacterial endocarditis (a heart infection).

New studies show that taking antibiotics before dental work may not be necessary.

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12y ago

A dentist usually prescribes antibiotics because of potentially fatal heart complications. Believe it or not.

It turns out that if bacteria in your mouth get into your bloodstream, they can do really horrible things to your heart valves.

So if your dentist is scheduling oral surgery, he's quite likely to prescribe antibiotics, and you should take them according to the prescription even if you feel fine.

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12y ago

A root canal is an open wound. The mouth is a breeding ground for germs. Amoxycillin is a powerful antibiotic that helps the body fight any possibility of infection while the wound heals.

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A dentist is usually a doctor, just with a dental specialization. They have an M.D. next to their name after all. They can prescribe anything they see fit.

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I guess when you have an emergency for a toothache and your dentist prescribes you an antibiotic, if you run out then you would have to go back to your dentist. The reason for that is, you have too be prescribed the same medication and not mix them. I suggest that you get a refill. The point is, you should not mix the medication.

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Yes. Why not? It can be used for anti anxiety before dental procedure.

What medication does the physician usually prescribe for people bitten by ticks?

the doctor will usually prescribe a prophylactic (disease-preventing) course of antibiotics. The usual dosage is 10 days of oral amoxicillin, doxycycline, or cefuroxime

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Diclofenac comes in 25, 50 and 75 milligram tablets.

What type of antibiotic is used to treat an infected tooth?

For a infected tooth you could be given diffrent things such as :AmoxicillanClindamycinErythromycin (E-Mycin)MetronidazolePenicillinbut the best thing to always do is see a dentist it may turn out to be tooth decay. or if its very bad pain the best thing is to remove the tooth

Is your tooth extraction infected?

A tooth extraction can get an infection. A dentist or doctor will have to prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.