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I've seen Liposuction done on TV and it's no wonder you are swelling and in discomfort. When the surgeon has you under anesthetic then they insert tubes that suction out the fat and there is pushing and pulling of those tubes. Your surgeon should have told you what lays ahead of you as far as healing time. Be sure you keep in close contact with your surgeon and if you have any concerns you call that surgeon and make an appointment. It will take a few weeks for the bruising to go away and at least a week to 10 days for the swelling to go down, but be careful of infection. Remember, if you don't feel well, the swelling doesn't go down in those 10 days get to your surgeon immediately and if they can't take you right away go to the ER.

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Every muscle in the area has been worked very hard. The organs and tissues inside have been battered and bruised and there is likely to be some swelling.

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Q: Why is there a upper stomach bulge after liposuction?
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What is the average price for stomach liposuction?

The average price for stomach liposuction varies depending on which country you will be undergoing the procedure. In the UK, stomach liposuction can vary between å£1500 - å£5,000.

What could cause a large upper abdominal bulge?

this may not help but i have the same thing.i have abs when i tense, both upper and lower stomach. when im not tensing however, my upper stomach is bigger. my lower stomach is flat and can see eating increases the bulge so look when you havent eaten that could be the answer.dont worry its probably cool - as long as theres no pain associated. if there is see a be more concerned if my lower belly stuck out. im fit and i have it so it should be fine

What is the bulge of the greater curvature of the stomach superior to the esophageal junction?

The fundus is the bulge of the greater curvature of the stomach superior to the esophageal junction.

What is Hirenya?

A hernia is when a bulge or a tear occurs along the inner groin or upper stomach. This often occurs when coughing or sneezing a lot or when lifting heavy objects with weak abdominal muscles.

What are the liposuction results following an abdominal surgery?

The results of a liposuction immediately following surgery can cause the upper abdomen skin to look wrinkly. Most of the time a liposuction provides great-looking results.

Hi. I am 5'3 and weight 190 lbs. i really want to loose all of my stomach how much would this cost? puts the cost estimate of a liposuction to the abdomen, upper & lower, at a price range of $3000 to $7500.

Does the stomach of a fish bulge if it is about to die?

No. My fish has a bulgy stomach and is perfectly fine. =3 hope I helped!

Can a Person Paralysed from the chest get liposuction on abdomen?

I am not positive, but I would see no reason why they couldn't. The paralysis is most likely in the spinal cord, which really has nothing to do with stomach liposuction.

What is the difference between Liposuction and abdominoplasty?

In Liposuction fat can be removed from stomach, buttocks, arms, thighs, and chin also. Whereas in Abdominoplasty, belly loose skin can be tightened.

How do you remove side stomach fat?

when you do sit ups justtwist your body (stomach) side to side. l when you do sit ups just twist you stomach side to side

On what areas of the body can liposuction be performed?

Liposuction can be performed in a variety of areas. Here are a few: abdomen, hips, outer and inner thighs, back, upper arms, chin and finally, inner knees.