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Activated charcoal is a superb absorbant. It works a lot better than gastric lavage in most cases as it traps the toxins. It also precludes the need for emetics like ipecac (from the very old days). And with charcoal -- there's really very few downsides. If it doesn't work against the specific toxin, it still won't make things worse. It shouldn't be given to a patient with no bowel sounds, with a suspected obstruction, but that's a pretty rare combo with an acute GI poisoning.

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Q: Why is slurry of charcoal given orally to suspected poison victims?
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Why is a slurry of charcoal in water given orally to suspected poison victims?

The same is given to people when they overdose... Something about the charcoal draws the chemicals to it and bonds with it so that the pass through without being digested, so they never make it to your bloodstream.

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Yes, with their stinger it injects a poison.

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General Erwin Rommel was forced to poison himself because he was suspected of plotting against Hitler.

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If overdose is suspected, the patient should contact poison control and/or seek emergency medical attention immediately.

When Because he was suspected of plotting against Hitler was forced to poison himself.?

General Erwin Rommel was forced to poison himself because he was suspected of plotting against Hitler.

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i believe yes because it would be able to absorb the poison

How does activated charcoal remove poison from a person's body?

Activated charcoal works by binding to toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream. This helps to limit the impact of ingested poisons by reducing their bioavailability and facilitating their elimination from the body through feces. It is important to administer activated charcoal soon after ingestion to be effective.

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If they are eye drops you should NEVER take them orally. I am a nurse and if you take anything orally that isn't prescribed to be used in that way, you should contact a poison control center or go to the E.R. immediatley.

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What is the first course of action if poisoning is suspected?

Firstly, contact the poison control center or hospital emergency. A sample of vomit and the poison container should be taken to hospital.