No, links are not allowed in the discussion area of questions. Links are only allowed in two places and they are either on your profile page or on the question under "Sources and Related links".
'The discussion is done' would technically be allowed, but can be better expressed with '... has been completed', '... is finished', '... is over', etc.
Neither is necessarily "better" then the other, but a registered nurse does have more schooling and often is allowed more nursing abilities by the Board of Nursing.
Nurse practitioners are allowed to perform abortions in California, Montana, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
The noun 'discussion' is not a standard collective noun. However, collective nouns are an informal part of language. Any noun that suits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a discussion of issues, a discussion of solutions, a discussion of rumors, etc.
Allowed is a verb.
clinical nurse specialists are allowed to diagnose and administer treatments to these diseases and illnesses provided that these fall under their specialization.
Nurse Ann is a proper noun. It refers to a specific person.
This is a traditional way of feding infants in all societies.
Depends on what school, and the nurse that is there.
If you do not have a nursing license for the specific state you are not allowed to work as a registered nurse.