Animals do have eyelashes, and they do not have eyebrows because they usually already have hair on their faces.
Harp Seal pups do if you look at there eyes there are black eyebrows above them. Do an image search to see for youself and just to see the cute animals. Have fun!
Yes cats have eyelashes because these ity bitty creatures live on your eyelashes the creatures are related to Spiders .
Just eyebrows, no eyelashes
No, but they have beautiful long eyelashes.
eyelashes and eyebrows help keep particles, dust, sweat etc. out of your eyes.
Must be eyebrows; 'cause I've gone grey (that which I still have anyway) and my eyelashes are still black.
by looking at either eyebrows or eyelashes
Itchy eyebrows or eyelashes
The eyebrows and eyelashes act as barriers to prevent debris from entering the eyes. They also help to divert sweat and moisture away from the eyes. Additionally, eyebrows and eyelashes play a role in nonverbal communication by enhancing facial expressions and conveying emotions.
They don't have eyebrows, just very long eyelashes that keep sweat off of them.
no bears do not have eyebrows
It is completely natural to fear such things.
If I ever encountered eyelashes, eyebrows and a nose in my dessert I would take a picture, call the manager, call the department of health and the police and never eat at that restaurant again.
Albinos don't have these but it's not a disease.