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Because it is toxic to bacteria.

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Q: Why does carbolic acid prevent infection?
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What is carbolic acid for?

Carbolic acid, also known as phenol, is commonly used as a disinfectant and antiseptic. It is used to clean and disinfect wounds, surgical instruments, and surfaces to prevent infection. It can also be used in certain medical and industrial applications.

Why did Joseph lister use carbolic acid?

it was james lister who did

Is carbolic acid an acid or base?

Carbolic acid is a weak acid.

What was carbolic acid used for?

Carbolic acid (phenol) was historically used as an antiseptic in surgery to prevent infection. It was also used as a disinfectant, particularly in medical settings and for cleaning purposes. Additionally, carbolic acid was used in the past as a remedy for various ailments, although its internal use is now considered unsafe due to its toxic nature.

Can you get phenol from carbolic acid?

Phenol and carbolic acid are actually the same compound. "Carbolic acid" is an older, colloquial term for phenol.

What was the first antiseptic?

Carbolic acid, also known as phenol, is widely considered to be the first antiseptic. It was introduced by Joseph Lister in the 1860s as a way to prevent infection during surgery.

What scientist invented carbolic acid?

what scientist invented carbolic acid

What antiseptics were used to prevent infection in the 19TH century?

One of them was Carbolic aid made by Joseph Lister

How do you use carbolic acid to prevent snakes entry?

Carbolic acid, also known as phenol, can be used as a deterrent to keep snakes away. Mix carbolic acid with water in a spray bottle and apply it around the perimeter of your home or garden where you want to prevent snakes from entering. The strong smell of carbolic acid is unpleasant to snakes and can help to deter them. Be careful when handling carbolic acid as it can be harmful to humans and pets.

What is the chemical formula of carbolic acid?

The chemical formula of carbolic acid is C6H5OH.

Why is Carbolic Acid so dangerous?

Carbolic Acid is dangerous for many reasons. Carbolic Acid is dangerous because it is vapors that are harmful to one's skins, eyes, and respiratory system.

Which type of acid is carbolic acid?

Carbolic acid is another name for phenol, which is a weak acid commonly used in pharmaceuticals and antiseptics.